When To Change a Bicycle Tyre?
When To Change a Bicycle Tyre? The truth is that there is no single answer to this question. There are many factors that can affect the condition and performance of a bicycle tyre. In the following, we will look at all the cases in which w … Leer mas
The Best Shoes for Marathon RunningShoes for MarathonThe Best Shoes for Marathon Running
If you are planning to do a marathon, you may be looking for shoes that will help you to overcome the 42 kilometres of one of the toughest and most epic events in the world of running. If you are going to run your first marathon you can ac … Leer mas
Nutrition and sport. The importance of nutrition to achieve your sporting goals
Eating right is very important for everyone's health and well-being, but if you're an athlete, you'll know that maintaining the right nutrition can help you make a difference to your performance.
Nutrition and sports performanceNutrit … Leer mas
How to Ski Well?
Although there is no exact method to determine how to ski well or how long it takes to master all the techniques and movements of skiing, these tips will be very useful if you are one of those self-taught skiers who want to ski for the fir … Leer mas
Learn how to make your own energy snacks
Are you an athlete? Would you like to learn how to prepare a recovery shake for after your workouts? Would you like to cook your own energy bars? Would you like to be able to prepare your own healthy and energetic snacks for your workouts? … Leer mas
5 Tips for Choosing a Snowboard
Choosing a snowboard is not an easy task, especially if you are not an experienced snowboarder. Choosing the right board can have a positive impact on your progress, guarantee your safety and ensure a certain level of comfort on the snow. … Leer mas
How to Prepare for Your First Marathon?
A marathon is one of the most demanding challenges an athlete can face. With the right training and planning you will make good progress, increasing the distance of kilometres run in each session and reducing your running time. The maratho … Leer mas
Stretching: improves flexibility and reduces muscle stiffness
In any sporting activity, stretching is a fundamental aspect that brings many benefits to the body and health. Sometimes we do not spend enough time on it, or we start training without warming up, which can lead to multiple injuries or dis … Leer mas
Which Shoes to Use for Crossfit?
Crossfit is a sport that focuses on improving fitness and performance in various aspects such as endurance, agility and versatility. Crossfit shoes should offer a certain stability to prevent rocking and movement of the foot during weigh … Leer mas